Arthur Wellesley was born in Dublin in 1769. In 1814 Wellesley was granted the title, the Duke of Wellington. Afterwards, he was put in command of the forces which defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. He then began to be more involved in politics from that point forward. Using a fritz styled scrimshawed handle like this will give one a sophisticated historic appeal. Scrimshaw etching is a unique art form dating back to the American Whale man. Once carved and finely detailed out of ivory or whale bone, you'll find our selection is art-crafted from a resin material to look like an original. The silver ring collar also brings sophistication to the neck of the black beechwood shaft. It is treated with a semi-gloss water-resistant finish for protection. Also, the wood is kiln-cured for strength and durability. Compared to other canes, these are more resistant to splintering or cracking, ensuring a superior product. To see a closer image, click-on the tab below the picture. ***Please note a scrimshaw walking cane, will not survive being dropped. These items will not be replaced or covered under warranty if they are broken. A fragile clay like material is used to make these items. The handle will break if it is dropped or fallen***