This unique hand-crafted walking cane will make anyone who loves rabbits very happy. It is a Peter Rabbit collector walking stick. 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit' has been around for over 100 years! British author Beatrix Potter created her first major storybook character when she was a former governess of a sick little boy. Eight years after the tale of four rabbits named Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and Peter was told, it was published for the public in 1902. Beatrix Potter was born in London on July 28th, 1866. She was a lonely girl who loved to study nature and the artistic aspects of the world around her. She kept records and sketches of her findings in journals. Peter Rabbit was the first story of what eventually grew to be 23 tales, published between 1902 and 1930. The shaft is made of a brown beechwood and has a classy brass ring collar. Each walking cane is assembled with threaded steel studs that exceed industry safety standards. These canes are specially designed to direct the users weight over the shaft ensuring maximum stability and comfort. The shafts are made from the finest and strongest light-weight hardwoods available. The cane is treated with a semi-gloss water-resistant finish. The wood is kiln-cured for strength and durability. Just click-on the tab below the picture for a closer look.