This lightweight 1.5 ounce pepper spray from Fox Labs still packs a knockout punch. It contains their famous FIVE POINT THREE formula, used by the United States Military as well as law enforcement agencies across the country. Fox Labs Pepper Spray is the hottest pepper spray used by Police and Military Worldwide now available to the public. Most pepper sprays are between 1/2 million to 2 million Scoville heat units; however, Fox pepper spray is refined to 5.3 million Scoville heat units.
The stream is more accurate, reduces the risk of blowback and is less affected by adverse weather. The cone pattern sacrifices range for increased coverage, reducing the need for pinpoint accuracy under pressure. The non-flammable spray is safe to user and contains an ultraviolet dye for suspect identification. Cone Fog spray pattern reaches 11 to 12 feet. The FIVE POINT THREE formula is oil-based, and non-flammable.
- The size of the unit is 4â?High x 1-3/8â?Diameter
- Discharges 12-15 one-half second bursts
- Spring-loaded flip top helps prevent accidental discharge
- Invisible UV dye for suspect identification under black light.
- Nonflammable
- Birthdate on each unit
- Up to a 3 year warranty [Click Here: to view 'A Few Words About Shelf Life']